Subscribe to: The Tribe, quarterly newsletter.
To get our free pdf Pythagorean & Platonic PEMF back to your email box immediately.
Our Quarterly newsletter The Tribe will inform you of priceless information for your life, friends and loved ones’ lives you won’t get anywhere else.
The PDF explains how 9.6 Hz Harmonizes perfectly to 432Hz & 528Hz healing tones, almost all sacred geometry and many important measurements of mankind.
It is no less than remarkable to see that that one number, 9.6 Hz, harmonizes with so many numbers of importance to mankind.
Your info is safe with us, we’ll never sell or disclose it to anyone, you will not get spammed. The quarterly Tribe newsletter will inform you of some important information for life, that you won’t hear anywhere else. Plus, discussion of any new PEMF reasearch done anywhere in this world, making it harder for this important information to be “swept under the rug”, as the “information controllers” are attemping to do.
Message From the Inventor:
Congratulations on discovering our Sleep PEMF; welcome to the first day of your new life.
In a world of phonies and frauds, “Telling the truth is a revolutionary act” (1984; G.Orwell). This is the next part of your life from a company that is like me, compulsively honest. We’re here for the smart ones and the ones with common sense (unfortunately is not very common).
One of the best things about Our Sleep PEMF biohacking systems(beside the great sleep), is watching people getting older around you; while you feel better and better. The best kept secret on Earth is also the best investment you’ll ever make in this life.
Since day one in 2002, guaranteed or return it for refund within or about 90 days. As nearly everyone does, you’re going to love this.
Subscribe left side and instantly read the pdf on the remarkable numerology of 9.6 and why we’ve used 9.6 Hz as our primary frequency since day one in 2002. See "About" in the top navigation bar to read some back-story on our "disruptive" technology.
Through researching different modalities in the late 90’s it was very clear that PEMF and electric currents when applied correctly, was far more effective than full body vibration, red light, laser, or any nutritional supplements (or anything known).
Electric currents was so good that I was sure there would be no other discovery that would be as potent, or as broad spectrum. Time has proven I was right.
While you’re here, be sure to check our PEMF Research drop down menu.
We have a 90 day money back guarantee for your assurance (since day one summer of 2002); Either our Sleep PEMF works for you or return it for a refund. Based upon our returns and 15+ years feedback forms (discontinued), this works on 95% of people though in person testing on v1 and v2 and the v4-v6, it never failed once face to face on about 50 people and a few animals.
Sleep PEMF is your personal force multiplier and the best investment you’ll make in this life.
Our pulsed nano-second rise time, north polarity square-wave systems can be used all night, provide the most power of any home PEMF system BY FAR, with the most features by far, at the best prices by far.
This is one of the few times in your life that spending more will get you a lot less.
Our Sleep PEMF is probably a lot better than we say it is.