Healthcare in America - Treating Chronic Pain with PEMF Therapy
Concerning chronic pain reduction, PEMF can be used as an electrotherapeutic. It helps to improve blood circulation, not by increasing blood pressure or heartbeat, but by optimizing energy of the very cells in the capillaries and arteries. Improved circulation also alleviates pain by reducing edema (swelling), regenerating diseased and damaged tissue, and repairing fractured and torn bones and tendons. The body’s natural magnetic field is formed through the transmission of electric impulses through cell membranes and the flow of electrically charged ions in and out of cells.
Only a pulsed electromagnetic field force (generated by a PEMF device) and not static magnets can produce electrical variations on a cellular level in the body for cell metabolism to be influenced. Additionally, static magnets only generate continuous low levels of magnetic induction. PEMF delivers an extremely high intensity, short duration electromagnetic pulse combined with several frequencies. This results in a magnetic field that penetrates completely through muscles and joints in as little as 2 to 20 minutes, and consequently alleviates pain faster and has long-term benefit.
PEMF devices use precise low-frequency pulsed electromagnetic fields (1000 Hz or less), also called complex neuroelectromagnetic pulses (Cnp), which represent a potentially new way of treating chronic pain. PEMF devices also fall within the fast-developing field of biomagnetics, a field that includes, repetitive transcranial magnetic stimulation, deep brain stimulation and transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation (all connected to pain). PEMF devices are effective primarily since they are subthreshold, low-frequency, low-power electromagnetic waveforms (also called electromagnetic pulse-forms), specifically designed to target limbic cells in the brain (pain receptor cells in the brain).
Flexpulse & EarthPulse are some of the most advanced and most proven (respectively) systems available today.
The FlexPulse has a range of upto 1000 Hz @ 200 Guass, the the Our PEMF system delivers a hefty 1100 Guass (magnet is placed further from the body) and their most recommended frequency range of 0.5–14.1 Hz.
PEMF devices of different strengths and various configurations have been found to have satisfactory results in a wide range of chronic pain conditions. PEMF therapy offers a slighter risk when compared to the likely invasiveness of other treatments and the risk of addiction, complications, and toxicity from medications. In various chronic pain conditions, exposure to PEMF has been linked to a speedy reduction in pain severity. Medical practitioners are becoming increasingly aware of the potential of PEMF to successfully treat the myriad of medical conditions that cause chronic pain.