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PEMF Therapy Research

PEMF Therapy or pulsed electromagnetic field therapy is the most powerful biohacking and rehabilitation technology with research-proven benefits. Learn more about this incredible wellness technology by processing the currently available research to make meaningful deductions about the benefits and uses of pulsed electromagnetic fields.

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What is Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) Therapy?

PEMF Therapy is applying magnetic fields to a specific area as shown by the decades of research done that you can read yourself below.

PEMF therapy is applied using PEMF devices which include a PEMF coil or electromagnet that puts out the pulsating magnetic field and usually a control unit to select programs or frequencies and set amplitude.

What is the action of pulsed electromagnetic fields?

Several separate peer reviewed and published physiological and neurological studies show that PEMFs stimulate cell mitochondria, subsequently resulting in enhanced cell respiration / oxydative phosphorylation including the Krebs cycle (citric acid cycle) whereby increased enzyme levels are known to be associated with oxygen metabolism provide moreATP with less oxidative waste known as reactive oxygen species (ROS).

After weeks of pulsed magnetic stimulation, cells are so well detoxified and producing such high levels of ATP (known by the body to be associated with youthful levels), that the cells actually revert from mature to developmental DNA signature as proven by NASA.

What are the benefits of PEMF therapy?

Regular use of PEMF therapy, besides promoting various healing mechanisms, has been found to have substantially beneficial neuroendocrine, neurological and psychological effects; as well as having ability to promote bone, tissue and nerve regeneration.

Where magnetic pulse repetition rate (frequency measured in Hertz) and magnetic flux density (amplitude measured in Gauss or Tesla) are both within certain parameters, research has proven that PEMF therapy is capable of equal or better results than conventional therapies and invasive procedures without side effects or risk of infection.

Pulsed electromagnetic field research has proven routinely that PEMF treatments are capable of inducing substantial healing even where conventional medicine has failed. To learn more about the benefits of PEMF therapy, please read our research review articles below.

Is PEMF safe?

PEMF therapy can be utilized by almost anyone. Research on Pulsed Electromagnetic Field (PEMF) therapy has proven beyond any reasonable doubt (a moral certainty), that Pulsed Electromagnetic Fields (PEMFs) are absent expected or unexpected adverse reactions. There have been studies on the long-term use of much stronger transcranial magnetic stimulation, and they found zero side-effects, only improvements in brain function in varying degrees depending on individual condition.

Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy PEMF / rTMS Research Reviews & Bibliography

Our PEMF therapy research review articles contain several hundred pulsed electromagnetic field therapy citations linked directly to PubMed a service of the U.S. National Library of Medicine and the U.S. National Institutes of Health.

These studies are offered for your education only and are not intended as promotional material for Our PEMF devices.

Compared to placebo, there was a beneficial effect of PEMF therapy on pain, stiffness, and physical function in patients with osteoarthritis and that’s just studies that where done using whatever PEMF Device they had for testing.

Bioelectricity History:

10 Hz PEMF Bibliography:

Our PEMF Research:

EarthPulse has been researching and applying pulsed electromagnetic fields for epigenetic enhancement since more than 15 years. The research articles below bring to your attention our findings based on Our PEMF technology, feedback from our PEMF device users and first-hand experience; all backed by solid mitochondrial science. This should be enough evidence to try the world’s most effective PEMF devices!

Peer Reviewed PEMF & Electrical Stimulation Research Index:

These alphabetized-by-disorder Pulsed Electromagnetic Field Therapy Research review articles contain more than a thousand peer-reviewed pulsed electromagnetic field therapy citations to aid you in your PEMF therapy research. If you notice something missing, just drop us a message through our chat function lower right. We’ll search the scientific literature and let you know what we think.

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